This section provides information about family and household characteristics.
Family Types |
The chart below presents information from the census about the number of census families in Guelph and Wellington County, organized by family type. This chart does not include people who are not in census families or in non-census family households. Definitions for each family type are found in the notes section of the excel file that can be downloaded below. Key FindingsIn 2021, couples with children at home made up about 45% of all families in Guelph and Wellington County (not including Guelph). This was similar to Ontario and slightly greater than Canada as a whole. Couples without children at home made up 39% of families in Guelph and 44% of families in Wellington County. In both Guelph and Wellington County, there were more lone-parent families led by women+ than men+. In Guelph, lone-parent families led by women+ made up 13% of all families, while lone-parent families led by men+ made up 3.5% of all families. This was similar to the percent of lone-parent families in Ontario and Canada. In Wellington County, lone-parent families made up a smaller proportion of all families, compared to Guelph, Ontario and Canada. In Wellington County, lone-parent families led by women+ made up 8% of all families, while lone-parent families led by men+ made up less than 3% of all families. The proportion of families, by family type, in Guelph and Wellington County in 2021 was comparable to 2016 (the previous census year).
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*Wellington County does not include City of Guelph. Source: Statistics Canada. 2022. (table). Census Profile. 2021 Census of Population. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-316-X2021001. Ottawa. Released July 13, 2022.
Marital Status |
The chart below presents information from the census about the number of people in Guelph and Wellington County, age 15 years and older, by marital status. Definitions for each type of marital status are found in the notes section of the excel file that can be downloaded below. Key FindingsIn 2021, in both Guelph and Wellington County (not including Guelph), a greater proportion of the population (age 15 and older) was married or living with a common-law partner, compared to people who were separated, divorced or widowed. In both Guelph and Wellington County, it was much more common to be married (45% and 55%, respectively) than living common-law (11% and 9%, respectively). In Wellington County, a greater proportion of the population was married, and a smaller proportion had never married, compared to Guelph, Ontario and Canada. The proportion of the population, by marital status, in Guelph and Wellington County in 2021 was comparable to 2016 (the previous census year).
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*Wellington County does not include City of Guelph. Source: Statistics Canada. 2022. (table). Census Profile. 2021 Census of Population. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-316-X2021001. Ottawa. Released July 13, 2022.
Household Types |
The chart below presents information from the census about the number of private households in Guelph and Wellington County, by household type. Definitions for each household type are found in the notes section of the excel file that can be downloaded below.Key FindingsIn 2021, one-census family households were the most common household type in Guelph and Wellington County (not including Guelph), followed by one-person households. A greater proportion of one-census-family households included children, compared to households that did not include children. In Wellington County, there was a greater proportion of one-census-family households, and a smaller proportion of one-person households and two-or-more person non-census-family households than Guelph, Ontario and Canada. In Guelph, there was a greater proportion of two-or-more person non-census-family households than Wellington County, Ontario and Canada. The proportion of households, by household type, in Guelph and Wellington County in 2021 was comparable to previous census years.
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*Wellington County does not include City of Guelph. Source: Statistics Canada. 2022. (table). Census Profile. 2021 Census of Population. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-316-X2021001. Ottawa. Released July 13, 2022.
The census of the population is mandatory and conducted once every five years. The census gathers information from all Canadian citizens, landed immigrants and non-permanent residents (people who have a work or student permit or refugee status). The census captures information from the entire population about demographic, social, and economic characteristics.[1]
[1] Statistics Canada. (2016). Census of Population. http://www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb/p2SV.pl?Function=getSurvey&SDDS=3901